Pizzato Elettrica is one of the leading European manufacturers of position switches, microswitches, safety devices, safety modules, foot switches, control and signalling devices, and devices for elevators. An entrepreneurial company such as Pizzato Elettrica bases its foundations on a solid and widely shared value system. The pillars that form the basis of the company’s work have remained constant and constitute the fundamental guiding principles for all company activities.
Passion For Quality
Passion for product quality, orientation towards excellence, innovation, and continuous development, represent the key principles of Pizzato Elettrica's everyday work. Anyone using Pizzato Elettrica’s products does so in the certainty that these devices are of certified quality, since they are the result of a process that is scrupulously controlled at every stage of the production.The company's goal is to offer the market safe, reliable, and innovative solutions.
Care for Customer
In order to be successful, a product must respond to the specific needs of those who will use it. Market developments must be carefully monitored in order to understand, in advance, which new applications will prove themselves truly useful. This is why Pizzato Elettrica has always cultivated close synergies with the companies that has chosen it as a supplier, using this continuous dialogue to identify the potential developments of the own product range in order to make it highly flexible, complete and capable to respond to the most diverse needs.
Position Switches
Safety Devices
Lift Devices
Human-Machine Interface